As a church, we want to come together to display God’s splendor through working for the renewal, rebuilding, and restoration of people, places, dreams, and destinies in our city, nation, and nations of the earth.
We believe that Jesus loving local churches are God’s plan A for bringing restoration to our nations! Here is what we are doing for the nations:
Engage The Nations
Engage the Nations is a three-month summer program that aims to transform lives while investing in God’s work around the world. These summer internship programs are geared toward college students and young adults looking to step onto the front lines and participate in what God is doing in the earth.
The Antioch Movement identifies numerous locations abroad to facilitate teams of interns to live on adventure, in community and minister in difficult places. Interns will have the opportunity to engage God’s mission through church-planting initiatives and potential humanitarian outreach efforts.
SERVE Project
SERVE Project is an opportunity to spend 11 months as part of an international church-planting team. Participants get the experience of making disciples, living cross-culturally and working as a team under the leadership of seasoned missionaries.
This internship experience helps young people determine if long-term church planting is right for them. If it is, participants often continue by completing the Antioch Church-Planting Course and returning to the field.
Acts of Mercy International
Acts of Mercy International exists to bring hope to the broken and vulnerable in times of crisis, facilitating Christ centered holistic transformation.
We mobilize the Church to be on the frontlines in times of crisis - bringing relief and facilitating long-term community development.
Go to to find out what projects are currently happening and how to get involved.
Church Planting
Every person should have the chance to hear and respond to the good news of Jesus, and our church-planting ministry equips Christians to be a part of this mission. More than a sending agency, we are a family of churches and church planters working together through a shared vision to see the Great Commission fulfilled in our generation.
We train missionaries to make disciples and start new churches around the world through the Antioch Church Planting Course. The course includes personal mentorship and strategic equipping as well as training related to personal, family and team life, and is offered at several of our U.S. locations.
Once on the field, Antioch supports missionaries by connecting them to the greater Antioch family. Missionaries receive regular coaching from experienced workers, support from peers in similar contexts and a broad range of logistical and strategic support. Antioch also hosts a family-focused regional conference to provide refreshment and friendship for both kids and adults to help families thrive while living overseas.
We are always looking to train and send more missionaries who are passionate about church planting. If you are interested in becoming a long-term church planter with the Antioch Movement, we would love to hear from you.
Find out more at or contact us directly.
Nations Prayer
Nations Prayer exists to provide relevant prayer requests from individuals living in the harvest field to the praying church!
Our desire is to mobilize prayer, activate unity in the body of Christ and partner the intercessors with the evangelists to see the Kingdom of Heaven advanced.
We cover around 100 teams who are located all over the world. Every day we highlight two areas and rotate through the teams represented who send us real time prayer requests for what is happening that week in their location.
Got to for more info.