Worship Ministry

Ministry Vision:

In the Bible and throughout Church history, when the people of God sing the praises of God together in the Presence of God incredible things happen. Our worship ministry exists to facilitate and cultivate that type of environment. 

The first priority of our worship ministry is to love Jesus with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength and we want to minister to Him first and foremost. 

The second priority of our worship ministry is to help people engage and encounter the Lord in worship. In the environment of praise, people encounter God, receive healing, joy, direction and spiritual power for victorious living. 

We are intentionally pursuing those two priorities for the glory of God and the good of our city. 



Within this ministry we focus on developing vibrant relationships with Jesus in our team members, theologically rich lyrics, musical excellence in our craft, songwriting and leadership skills. In addition to our Sunday Worship Service, we have team roles in media, sound, kids ministry, Lifegroups and special events. 

Ministry Leader

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Jeremy West oversees our worship ministry. You can contact him via the form below. 

Interested in Serving in Our Worship Ministry? 

This team has a wide variety of roles from vocalists, guitarists, bass players, drummers, keys, violin, sound, media and lights- as well as a variety of environments- Sundays, Kids Ministry, Special Events, Lifegroups, House of Prayer to name a few. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, fill out the form below and we will follow up with you!

Zach Danielserve team