Young Adult Ministry
Ministry Vision
Antioch Dallas Young Adults are passionate about Jesus! We desire to practice the way of Jesus, together, in Dallas and beyond. We believe making disciples happens not only inside the church but also outside of the church within the spheres of influence God has placed each and every one of us. Our relationships, friendships, and careers all matter deeply as we seek the Kingdom of God in each of them and saturate Dallas with the Goodness of the gospel of Jesus.
Antioch’s Young Adult Ministry is made up of recent college graduates, young adults and young professionals in their 20s and 30s. We exist to be a place where young adults can come together, encounter God and be empowered to live out His plans and purposes for their lives.
Ministry Leader
Donny Tapie - Young Adults Pastor
Donny Tapie leads our Young Adults Ministry and would love to meet you! Look for him on Sunday and introduce yourself or you can email him at
Young Adult Lifegroups
We have Lifegroups spread throughout various parts of our city. Additionally our vision is to develop new groups throughout Dallas.
If you are interested in participating in a Young Adult Lifegroup, please let us know by filling out our Lifegroup Interest Form by using the link below. We would love to connect you!
Young Adult Service
Join us the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30pm in the Sanctuary for our monthly Young Adult Service. This is where the Young Adults gather corporately to worship, pray and study God’s Word. Through the worship, message, friendships, and conversation, it’s hard to leave unchanged!
Check out the messages from our previous Young Adult Services here: